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With Assistance From A Bail Bond Agency Durham NC Accused Can Be Released Immediately

By Christopher Ward

An arrest is a very serious matter and law enforcement agencies do not apprehend someone unless they have reasonable grounds to believe that he is guilty of a criminal offence. The arrest may be for serious charges such as murder, robbery and drug dealing, but there are also numerous ordinary people that get arrested for many different reasons. If this happens, and with help from a bail bond agency Durham NC accused can at least be released again quickly.

When arrested, it is vital to immediately get legal representation and insist on the right to remain silent until the attorney arrives. After making sure that the arrest was legal and according to prescribed procedures, the attorney will next do everything possible to see to it that his client is released until he needs to appear in court. In many cases this van be done within an hour or two.

If the court decides that the accused is not likely to flee from justice, that he will not interfere in the case and that he will adhere to the other conditions set, he may be released. He will be required to pay a sum, in cash, to serve as guarantee that he will indeed appear in court. If he does not have the required amount available in cash, his attorney can arrange for the services of a bondsman.

Bondsmen are not court officials. They are independent businessmen that specialize in lending money to those arrested and unable to pay the amount stipulated by the court. If he agrees, he will pay the required amount to the court immediately and the accused will be free to leave. These transactions are normally completed within a very short time and the accused seldom have to wait in a cell.

Bondsmen are in business to make a profit. They charge a fee of between ten and fifteen per cent over and above the amount required by the court. The client will have to sign a written agreement and he will have to provide collateral in the form of assets such as the family home. If he cannot provide collateral the loan will not be approved unless family and friends are willing to help.

Failing to adhere to the terms and conditions of the contract with the bondsman can have serious consequences. He will be able to attach the assets that were offered as surety and dispose of them in order to cover his losses. Accused unfortunately often do not read the terms and conditions carefully because they simply want the ordeal to end and to go home.

The accused will be in even bigger trouble if he contravenes the conditions of being allowed to go free. He may be arrested and kept in custody and additional charges may be levelled at him. He will lose his deposit but he will still have to pay back the bondsman. Contravening the conditions of the court is serious and can imperil the future of his entire family.

There are good reasons for granting bail to accused that qualify. It is the constitutional right of every accused to be presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Also, prisons and other facilities for holding people awaiting trial are under great pressure and there is simply not enough space.

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