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Reducing Turn Around Time In Boston Transcription

By Virginia Ellis

Transcribing is easy for people who understand how it works. Nonetheless, it is more than just writing what someone else is saying. When you are doing it at a professional level, you need to submit quality work within the allocated time. Not every file will be easy to work on. However, there are simple tips to follow in reducing the amount of time you spend on Boston transcription.

When you are taking a short time to complete your work, you will be able to work on more files. This means that your income will be on the higher side. Also, you can get free time to attend to other activities in your day to day life in the city Boston MA.

You should always look for tasks which involve 1 speaker. It is easier to work with them compared to a file full of different people. Nonetheless, this is not always practical. Cases of technicality of the terminologies used and accent also influence the choice.

Poor quality files are no longer a surprise. However, you have the option to decline working on them most of the time. They require you to re-wind the file many times before you can get what is actually being said. This takes up much of your time. Instead of putting yourself through this torture, you can just ignore it and get good quality audio files to transcribe.

The speed of the speaker is not under your control but you have the option to decline files where the speakers are fast. You will have to slow your player but even this does not work most of the times. You will end up getting slurring words at the very best depending on the number of words the being spoken per minute.

Proof reading your work before submitting is mandatory. It reduces the rejections you get. This will help grow your reputation and might even score you more clients. For this reason, you need to submit high quality content. However, you ought to do this within the shortest time possible. Ensuring that the mistakes made as you transcribe are minimal will help when it comes to making final corrections.

There is always some amount of research required in every job you are working on. Some are simple which involve researching on common words or phrases. However, there are those which are complicated and will call for extended research for you to get the idea of what is being spoken about. This will call for a lot of time. Unless there is an extra pay involved, you should not put yourself through such torture.

There are different styles when it comes to transcription. Many people think non-verbatim transcription is hard but clean verbatim is even harder when there is a lot of items you have to leave out. Tangents and false starts will give you a difficult time to work on. Therefore, read the instruction on the style required before you start working. Doing the correct thing from the start is better than realizing you have messed up later.

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