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Huge Monument Signs For Business Available For Rent

By Cynthia McDonald

Man is a creature of never ending activities. This creature is always in constant motion and its endeavors know no bounds. It is this constant hunt for the ultimate prized called money that humans haves so become dependent on. Profit is the game name for business establishments run by genius entrepreneurs. So if you want to have your products sell like hotcakes go for the monument signs for business.

People make products and advertise it to the general public by means of monumental sign till time of retirement is in pursuit of money. The pursuit of happiness has been relegated to the back end as the happiness of pursuing money has taken over the front seat. Man no longer controls the business world. The corporations do. The inanimate has overridden intelligent life.

All activity undertaken by man in one sense or another always almost involves the economy. From the time a man wakes up to the time he goes to sleep, somewhere along the course of daily activity, money is spent. And when money is spent and it translates into a transaction. These transactions happen twenty four hours a day and seven days a week.

In an area where most transactions take place, people converged and all of them are slaves to corporate master whose only objective is profit making. Good are acquired at prices that are haggled to the lowest value and resold at a higher price with profit margins going into the realm of outrageous speculation and are being accomplished by so called professionals.

These are the modern day dinosaurs. Huge denizens that gobble up earth resources to satisfy industrial needs. These are the gigantic manufacturing facilities that produce finished products that will supply the demand for modern living. What these plants eat up can never be replace and man however genius it can be has no idea how to make something out of nothing.

The economy is an abstract being if it can be described. It encompasses so many things that almost all activities are linked up with it. Where ancient man live a simple life, somewhere along the way it has made a habit of making it complicated with each passing day. The paradox of man being intelligent and at same time being a fool has never been fully explained.

Engineers and scientists are more likely to define technology as an applied science rather than as things the people make and use. In modern society it is understood as the science in industry that is created by technology to change the way things are done. It can also be classified to include both material and immaterial created by mental and physical effort to gain value.

Industry defines materials as inputs to production or manufacturing process. It can either be unadulterated matter or processed before being used in production. It includes bio material, textiles, genetic. It is ordered based of different strata that included the chemical and physical aspects and the purposed for which it will be used. The physical appearance can be tailored and shape as determined by the usage.

Sustainability is the secret in preventing the adverse effects of environment issues. A collective effort among all nations, especially the fully developed ones, is needed to give back to nature what it has taken. The rationalization of land use must be carefully studied and positive intervention must be applied to retard or at least delay the degradation of earth resources.

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