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Looking At Square Cake Dummies

By Maria Roberts

When talking about baking, there is always a chance of doing it wrong. Whether it is because you are inexperienced or that you made one tiny mistake that costed the whole thing to blow over. To be honest, all you need is practice. A whole lot of trial and error comes into play too, especially if you are into decorating and designing. So for practice, try your hand on Square Cake Dummies.

Give them a try if you always have wanted to be artsy in the culinary department. Especially when there has been no experiences in doing it. The dummies are there for you to experiment on when you cannot bring yourself to bake a real cake. In fact, it is probably a good idea to not do any actual baking for a first timer.

You could even pile them on top of the other, with the ones at the bottom being the biggest. Work your way up to the smallest and pretend that it was a wedding cake that you would be beautifying. Students use this is a base for when they will finally get to make the real thing. Of course, neither are actually easy to do.

In fact, you could even say that dummies are a lot harder to work on. Although, yeah, when creating a mistake, it shall be easy to just remove and redo everything again. But because of how sharp the edges get, the fondant would break and remold the confectionary all over again is just a headache.

But when you think about it, it is not exactly healthy to just eat those without something less sweet to counter all the sugar. The dummies cannot do that for you and they are only for the purpose for practicing. Some kids might even find this a shame, same for adults who do not know anything about baking but just so happen to have seen the finished products.

With all the trials you did on dummies, you should have an idea of how the dessert will hold once you start your personal thing. Most of the time, since styrofoam can handle a bit of weight compared to cakes, your decorating may be able to handle it. Keep in mind that actual cakes cannot actually handle all that.

That is why it could get difficult by the way. Because once the fondant sticks with the wet surface, it can get a bit difficult to take it off if a mistake was done. The sugary clay would break and pieces of it will stay on the dummy. And if you put it on there again, bumps would appear over it because of the previous ones there.

We could say that you at least have enough experiences in where you were going for. Now that you have a general idea about it, start slowly on other designs but not the extravagant ones because it would probably be a waste of money doing them. While you are on that. Practice your baking.

Although to lessen the breaking, maybe it would be best to trim the sharper edges of the squares. Just a bit, so it does not hurt its design upon contact. But not too much or else the shape will change entirely.

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