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Lessons From Resilience In Business Interview Podcast With Global Entrepreneurs

By George Hall

The journey to successful entrepreneurship is tough. This is why experienced entrepreneurs share their experiences with those venturing into the trade for the first time. There are no enough opportunities to share their experiences one-on-one because of distance and time constrains. However, through resilience in business interview podcast, you can get lessons that will change your fortunes forever.

Try over and over despite failure. There is no guarantee that your idea or investment will bear fruits with the first try. This causes many people to give up. However, stories from successful businessmen and women indicate that only those who keep trying succeed. Modify your idea, take it to different persons and invest more, among other strategies. By giving up, you will never amount to anything.

Prepare for shocks in the industry. Most people make entry into the market with big ideas and expectations. You hope to hit the market and make a fortune in a flash. However, this is not guaranteed. In fact, it does not happen in the envisioned way for most businesses. Adapt to the reality check and device a new path for you. If you cannot handle shocks, this is not your path.

Have the right people by your side. The journey of entrepreneurship is challenging. It leads you to paths that you have never walked before. This is why you need someone to hold your hand. A mentor and a tormentor are recommended. The mentor shows you the way while the tormentor prods you to keep moving. The right partners will offer positive feedback when you bounce your ideas. They also should have no hidden interests in your area of operation to avoid betrayal and loss of ideas.

Polish your product in order to win the hearts of your clients. People will always buy a good product regardless of its price. It is the attractiveness of the services you offer that will determine your position in the market. Even after winning clients, you must constantly polish the products to make them more attractive.

Keep up with trends in the market by changing your products. The market is always dynamic, shaped by innovation and ideas borrowed from other areas. People will want to be treated different. They also want a product that is packaged in a more convenient as well as attractive manner. They are also looking for innovative methods of making payments. Unless you can keep up with these trends, your brand will face sure extinction. Customers will associate your brand with the improvements you make.

Competition is normal in business. You should brace for it by focusing on your product offering and setting aside necessary resources. There is no guaranteed space for you in the industry. You hold the responsibility of fighting for this space. It takes innovation, engaging with clients, feedback and addressing the issues raised from time to time. This makes you a more competitive brand.

Unique products conquer markets with ease. There are numerous imitations around the world. These imitations face huge competition and have very thin margins. Once you are unique, people gravitate towards you and will always turn to your products. This guarantees sustained improvements.

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