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Home AC Repair Tips For More Energy Efficient Use

By Kimberly Wood

Homeowners use air conditioners in making their home feeling comfortable every time they would stay and rest. This helps them keep the area cool during hot days or warm enough during the cold season. These machines are also important for many business establishments because it helps their employees and customers comfortable in dealing with them.

Having this device function properly for them is important because to get the comfort and relaxation they need. Maintain them regularly and get a home AC repair CA whenever there are problems with your unit that you cannot solve. The following tips would help you save some money which could extend the lifespan of your unit and help when repairs are needed.

Programmable thermostats help turn the system off when you have gone and have forgotten in doing this yourself. It would adjust also the temperature by itself and would remain there when a comfortable level has been determined. Some can be controlled even with smart phones so you could turn them off and on again where you might be.

Even when you keep your house clean, there will be an accumulation of natural dust and hair which clogs your filter. This would make your AC to use more power for reaching the temperature you set and as a result, would raise your electricity bills. Regularly replace them or clean them if what you own is the washable kind instead.

Cold air is heavy and falls down meanwhile hot ones rises making the upper floors harder to cool down when the days are warm. Because of this, your basement is typically colder when compared with the rest of that house. The cold air will be deflected into warmer places by closing all vents on the lower house areas making the temperature even with less energy consumption.

Use ceiling fans to circulate the cold air around while using less energy for this purpose than without using fans. They would also make the place feel cooler than usual because they will keep the air to move around. This feels like a breeze inside your house and might even allow you to turn off your AC units for a few hours.

Schedule a check up for your AC system annually and have professionals inspect and service your units in ensuring they are efficiently operating. They replace filters, service the unit, check for defects, remove accumulated dirt and attend to problems that might become expensive repair and replacement jobs. Doing this will lengthen the lifespan of your system.

Seal crevices and cracks up around your doors and windows using a caulking gun which anyone can do without being skilled with it. This would prevent the cold air to escape and help it remain inside while the hot ones are kept from getting in. Weather stripping will help also to make sure the doors are sealed properly.

Close drapes on areas getting directly hit with sunlight. This is because sunlight is a source of heat which can enter your house through windows. This makes the AC to work harder instead.

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